If you're looking for long term, sustainable change, then you have come to the right place!
Whether it's a specific area that you are looking to improve, or something entirely bespoke that you need, we will provide you with a training solution that gives the highest possible impact.
Developed by Rachel Higginson with Emmanuel Awoyelu, Christian Foley and Mary Myatt, this is a light-touch, high-impact personal development and oracy approach for the whole school.
Developed and delivered by Andy Griffith this programme is targeted towards higher attaining students who have the potential to achieve a university degree or a higher level apprenticeship. This course will enable your school or MAT to create its own Scholars Programme.
Developed and delivered by Bruce Robertson,
The Teaching PowerUp programme offers three training packages designed for teachers and school leaders, focusing on powering up your teaching, learning, leadership & pedagogical coaching.
Delivered by The Child Psych Dr. Pippa Busch ELSA is an initiative developed and supported
by educational psychologists, who apply their professional knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to areas of need experienced by pupils.
This programme, developed and led by Kristopher Boulton, offers an exciting opportunity for professional development. Kris is an internationally recognised teacher trainer and education writer, with extensive expertise in
shaping educational standards.
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